Sunday, December 15, 2013

Tropical Landscape Painting, "Going Coconuts II" by Carol Schiff, 6x8" Oil SOLD

A few years ago we visited Sanibel Island.  It is such a beautiful place with the beaches and beautiful foliage.  Most of the island is a nature reserve and the people who live there have gone to great lengths to protect the natural beauty.

This is a companion to a piece I did last year.

Purchase here
95.95 + shipping
I think they make an interesting pair!

We had a grand time at our Pieces of 8 5th Annual Christmas Art Sale yesterday.  Thanks to all the people in Central Florida who stopped by and shared laughter, home made goodies, and did their holiday shopping with us.  Santa will be leaving lots of original art under the tree this year!

To continue the celebration, I have done a 25% off coupon at my Etsy site.  All my already reduced paintings in the "Make Me An Offer" may be purchased with the additional 25% off.  Just enter the coupon code CHRISTMAS25 on your order.


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