Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Sea Gull Painting | Small Oil Painting | Daily Painting | The Freedom to be Yourself by Carol Schiff | 6x8" Oil | SOLD

I happened to find this old post of a seal gull paintng from May, 2011.  I have always liked this painting.....and I enjoyed reading the post again.  I thought you might like it too.  Try as I might, I cannot get the fun comments from the original post to transfer, but it was a neck and neck between the two titles.

You have the freedom to be yourself,
your true self,
here and now -
and nothing can stand in your way!

Jonathan Livingston Seagull
from a very popular book of the 70's


My second choice for a title is "He said, she said".  Also during the 70's one of the top women's magazines of the day, I think it was McCall's or maybe Redbook, had a monthly article called "Can this marriage be saved?"
They would write the wife's story under "she said" and the husband's version under "he said" and then a counselor of some kind would write an analysis of what was wrong in the marriage and what the couple needed to do to improve the situation.  So, when I looked at this painting, to me it looks like "he" is saying and maybe "she" is not buying it.

Which title do you like the best?  Hmmmmm, I think I just told you how old I am!

Reference photo by Shelley Smart

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