Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Apple Blossom Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, 9x12x.75 Flower Painting

A trip to the apple orchard in Waynesville, NC provided me with plenty of reference photos.  How inspiring to see acre after acre of apple trees in full bloom!

purchase here
I am back in Waynesville, now, but there are no apple blossoms in sight...........just mile after mile of pumpkins and gorgeous Red Maple Trees in their full fall colors.

Growing up in NW Ohio, I always looked forward to fall with it's magnificent display of color.  When I moved to Florida at age 18, I didn't miss it at all.  Now that I am a grandmother of college age kids, I missed it a lot!!

Each fall, I try to spend time in the North Carolina Smoky Mountains to feed my need for autumn.

Have a colorful day!

Carol Schiff

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