Friday, October 7, 2016

Palette Knife Still Life, Bottle Still Life, "Pretty In Pink Cross Bottle" by Carol Schiff, 6x8" Oil, Daily Painting

Are you a fan of cross bottles?  I recently discovered them and have become obsessed with them.   Cross bottles are vintage (usually) bottles that have been reclaimed.  A talented artist then designs a crystal cross or  other design as a top piece.  Many of the crystals come from discarded chandeliers.  I have also seen them with beautiful arrangements of sea shells, coral and sea fans.
Purchase here
100 + shipping

As with all good art, they can become quite pricey, so after purchasing several, I decided to try to feed by obsession by painting instead of buying, much to my husband's relief.

I don't know how long that will work for me, but at the moment, it does seem to help.

If you are not familiar with cross bottles, seach for them on Etsy or Ebay where you will find a nice selection.  Beware!!  It may be dangerous to the viewer!

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