Sunday, May 21, 2017

Tropical Landscape Painting | Florida Painting | Daily Painting | Small Oil Painting | Jupiter Island by Carol Schiff | 12x12x1.5" Oil

This post is dedicated to my very good friend and pseudo sister, LaVerne.  I love you LaVerne, feel better soon!

Everybody has dreams, and this tropical landscape painting is one of mine.  When I was growing up in Ohio, on the cold, below zero mornings, as I hopped out of bed, I had this image in my mind.

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Balmy breezes, palm trees and a beautiful beach!  What more could I ask for?

With the severe winters we have been having, I am sure lots of people have the same dream.  I have to admit...I have never second guessed my decision to move to Florida many, many years ago.  Well, maybe a little in the middle of a hurricane!

I hope you enjoy this tropical landscape painting which is a scene from Jupiter Island, Florida. &

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