Monday, September 28, 2015

Small Oil Landscape, "Florida Wetlands I" 6x8" SOLD

How did it get to be September already?  Obviously, this year is going to buzz by as fast as the others all seem to do.

I have been painting commissions for the last month, but I try to slip a few daily paintings into the mix every week.


I have been enjoying my little floral still life paintings, but had the desire to try a landscape this week.  Florida has the most beautiful wetlands, teaming with wildlife.  Of course, some of that wildlife is on the dangerous and creepy side, so I was very careful where I stepped.

This is Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge in Brevard County, Florida.  It sits between the ocean and the Indian River on a thin strip of land.  Next time you visit Florida, try to get off the beaten path of beaches and Disney and enjoy the less well known beauty.

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