Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Daily Painting, "Barnyard King" 6x8" palette knife painting SOLD

I have always wanted to paint a rooster.  Those colorful feathers are just too appealing.


I was in the zone with this one, slinging paint everywhere.........some days I just feel like the more paint the better!

Now, can we talk, blogger to blogger?  I have gotten myself involved in so many websites, that I hardly have time to paint these days.  I have really stepped up posts on several facebook accounts too.  When I have a new painting, I post it on Etsy, Daily Painter's Gallery, Daily Paintworks, CFAI, several places on facebook, maybe on Pinterest. etc.  As a result, I never get around to the blogs I liked to read every morning.  I have found many of my blogger friends on facebook.  It is so much faster to make a quick comment there.  Am I the only one with this problem?  Are you posting and commenting less now than in the past?  I really would like some input on how others handle this issue.

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