Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Dog Painting, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, Golden Retreiver Portrait, 8x8x1.5" Oil by Carol Schiff

When I first started painting I did a lot of dog portraits for clients.  Slowly, I moved into other subjects, but every once in a while, I get the urge to paint a cute canine.

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 I quickly painted three unique, special puppies, before the urge passed.  This is Oscar.


Now, that the hectic holidays are over, it feels good to get back to my daily rountine.

I love the feel of a brand new year, that same feeling I get when I put on a new dress for the first time.  It stretches ahead of me with endless possibilities.  My goals this year are to concentrate more on quality and less on quanity, so posts may be fewer and farther apart.

What are your art goals for the beautiful year ahead?

Thanks you for reading my blog today.


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