Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Rose Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, 6x8" Oil

This is a little painting I did recently.  I was experimenting with using safflower oil as a medium.  I normally paint using only a touch of turps when I want to free up the paint a little, but have decided to try another technique.

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I can see it will take a little adjustment on my part, as I tend to use too much oil and get some soupy paint.  However, I like the over all effect and the nice finish it leaves.  No more varnish needed!

The down side is it requires drying time and of course, there is the fire hazard.  I have been told to put my rags and paper towels in a plastic bag at the end of the day and wet them down with water to  make sure they don't spontaneously combust.  I also have one of those fire proof trash cans, so I will use both methods to keep the studio (and my house) safe.

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